Category: Ruth

Oopsie Poopsie

There are moments as a parent when our dignity goes right out the window, as was the case over the weekend… Over the weekend, I found myself battling a severe bout of the flu. The symptoms hit me with full force, leaving me dealing with incessant vomiting and relentless diarrhea, Yes, TMI, but we’ve all been there. Despite feeling utterly drained and weak, I knew I had to make something for my kids to eat. In the moment, a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich seemed like the feasible option. I mustered the strength to hobble downstairs to the kitchen […]

Let’s Tighten Up That Plot

Tonight, Ruth wanted to tell stories instead of sing songs at bedtime. She asked if she could tell a story. I foolishly obliged. What feels like forever later, I’m so lost in this story and I’m pretty sure the entire plot and setting have changed a couple times. And she farted in my face when she was getting situated in bed after the story. So all things considered, it was a rather mild bedtime.


Ruth: “Daddy, I chased the dickmunks.” (chipmunks) Coincidentally, her Mom doing the exact same thing is how Ruth got here in the first place.

Bedtime. Round 5. Fight!

So, last night during Round 5 of my nightly bedtime bout with Ruth, I sternly told her not to come out of her room again, that she can’t keep doing that, that it is bedtime, “so stay in your room!” – well, I was back downstairs for maybe five seconds when one of Ruth’s toys comes rolling down the stairs and the pattering of little feet can be heard upstairs. It was like my own Chuckie, or at the very least, a Mr Marbles. At least she’s now back in her room.

Goddamn Syrup

Ah, yes, how can one forget that unforgettable moment from the cinematic masterpiece, “Return of the King,” where Denethor, in a fit of madness, pours oil upon himself with a deranged countenance? Now, close your eyes and envision a similar sight. Picture me, innocently entering the dining room, only to be greeted by the sight of Ruth, settled in her bean bag chair with arms above her head, mirroring that same deranged expression, while simultaneously pouring an abundant cup of Aunt Jemima syrup and water all over herself. You know what doesn’t wipe up out of a rug and bean […]

The Struggle Is Real

Came home to everyone asleep and the downstairs looking like a trash, clothes, and food bomb went off. I think the girls wore down Mom to a breaking point today. They win this round. My wife has to tangle with two very formidable opponents each day. My wife is awesome.

It’s a Crapshoot

Raising three kids, each with their unique personalities and characteristics, can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. One of the most striking aspects is how different they can be from one another. Despite being raised in the same environment and exposed to similar parenting techniques, their sleep habits, eating habits, and general demeanor can vary significantly. What works for one child may not work for the others, making it evident that a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting is unrealistic. Sleep habits are a prime example of the individuality among children. While one child may easily fall asleep and follow a consistent […]


After being in bed for a while, Daphne suddenly started yelling for us from her room. I walk in ready to give my stern “go to bed” speech. But instead I can see she had taken her diaper off. I flip on the light, and Daphne simply says, “pee!” – which she had done all over the sheets, after having first removed the diaper, of course.

Donut Foul

Ruth just dumped all but one of the dozen donuts in the trash. She’s now eating the remaining lone, delicious donut. There really nothing more to say. It’s a disappointing turn of events.

Sleep Training is a Crapshoot – Frances vs Ruth

I think the whole concept of “sleep training” with infants is bogus and any results are arbitrary – or not really arbitrary, but completely based on the demeanor of the kid – and not directly a result of the “training” Exhibit A: With Ruth, we tried this sleep training malarkey, but it never worked. She was going to sleep when she was going to sleep. Even if she was tired, if she wasn’t ready to go to sleep, she would will herself into staying awake and would yell at us for an hour or two from her crib. She never […]